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Reference list

Here you can find some examples of our international projects.

For a complete list of references, please visit the website in German.

International projects

  • SECO Project Support Partnership (PSP): Los 6 Debt Management
    Consulting, support and backstopping services in policy formulation, project and programme management and communication with regard to debt management in Switzerland's development partner countries.
    On behalf of: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), ongoing
  • The Regional Economic Impact of Art Basel in Basel
    Art Basel is recognized as the most important art fair in the world. BSS estimated the economic footprint of Art Basel for the Basel region. The direct effects were calculated through surveys, expert assessments and the analysis of administrative data. Indirect and induced effects were determined using a multiplier approach and previously published studies.
    On behalf of: Art Basel, 2024
  • External Mid-Term Evaluation of Global Tax Program
    The objective is to evaluate the GTP, a Multi-Donor Trust Fund Program aimed at strengthening tax institutions and improving Domestic Resource Mobilization, in terms of program management, program strategy, and program activities.
    In cooperation with: SEO Amsterdam Economics
    On behalf of: World Bank, 2022
  • Impact Assessment of the model projects for sustainable regional development
    The programme is co-funded by eight federal offices. It supports the experimental development of innovative methods and new solutions for sustainable regional development in trans- and multidisciplinary. One of the programmes main objectives is the knowledge transfer from the projects into policy-making. The impact assessment was theory based and also used a web-census.
    In cooperation with: SEREC Sàrl
    On behalf of: Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE), Federal Roads Office (FEDRO), Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), Federal Office of Sport (BASPO), Federal Housing Office (BWO), Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG), State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), 2022
  • Mid-term evaluation of the Revenue Mobilization Thematic Fund (RMTF)
    The objective of the evaluation is "to assess the overall performance of RMTF in achieving its mandate as envisaged in its program document", specifically focusing on the effectiveness and quality of content and delivery of capacity development. Furthermore, the evaluation shall assess the "strategy and management of the RMTF" and provide recommendations to inform the design of a future phase.
    In cooperation with: SEO Amsterdam Economics
    On behalf of: International Monatary Fund (IMF), 2022
  • Evaluation of the foreign policy instrument of constitutional court capacity building
    As part of the evaluation, we develop a theory of change and assess the extent to which selected capacity building projects at three constitutional courts (Jordan, Mali, Ukraine) contributed to achieving foreign policy objectives.
    On behalf of: Federal Foreign Office Germany, 2021
  • Advisory mandate concerning the performance assessment of Switzerland's international cooperation
    The objectives of the mandate are to critically review, validate and improve the instruments and methodologies based on which Switzerland’s international cooperation performance is measured.
    On behalf of: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2020
  • Mid-term evaluation of the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit (SIPRU) in Serbia, Phase 3
    The mid-term review contributes to the implementation of the «Roadmap» to institutionalise the SIPRU and thus to ensure sustainability of the project results of the past years.
    On behalf of: Government of the Republic of Serbia, 2020
  • Strengthening tax systems in developing countries
    Evaluation of Dutch government policy and activities to strengthen tax systems in developing countries in the period 2012-2019, in which BSS is responsible for conducting a case study on capacity building.
    In cooperation with: SEO Amsterdam Economics
    On behalf of: Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2020
  • Mid-term review of the VSD Programme in Myanmar
    The Swiss financed four-year programme aims at improving access to relevant, high quality and recognised skills development and employment opportunities in urban and rural areas in the South East of Myanmar, Yangon and Mandalay. The mid-term review has the purpose of assessing implementation performance; identifying lessons learned; and providing recommendations for the remainder of the current phase as well as a potential third phase.
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2020
  • Impact of Digitalization on the Export Economy and Implications for the Federal Export Credit Guarantees
    The digital transformation of the export economy requires a comprehensive redevelopment of the German federal export credit guarantees. BSS supported the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy by providing a better understanding of the underlying changes and the development of new instruments.
    In cooperation with: University of St.Gallen, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI
    On behalf of: Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (DE), 2020
  • Impact evaluation of the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) 10-year Programme (2009-2019)
    The purpose of the formative evaluation is to assess the results of the ATAF and to formulate recommendations for ATAF's future strategic orientation. Mixed methods (theory of change reconstruction, online survey, semi-structured interviews, case studies, PESTEL analysis) are used to respond to the evaluation questions.
    In cooperation with: SEO Amsterdam Economics
    On behalf of: African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF), 2020
  • External appraisal of the "Tax & Development" portfolio of Norad
    The main purpose of the study is to appraise the tax and customs components of the IMF's Central, East and West Regional Technical Assistance Centres (RTACs) and the entire Revenue Management Thematic Fund (RMTF) according to Norad standard regulations.
    In cooperation with: SEO Amsterdam Economics
    On behalf of: Norad - Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, 2019
  • Scoping study - Skills Development Opportunities in Southern Shan
    External appraisal and further elaboration of a planned skills development intervention in the fragile context of Southern Shan in Myanmar.
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2019
  • Design of a national survey questionnaire on external driving factors of productivity
    The International Labour Organisation (ILO) assesses the enabling environment for sustainable enterprises and uses perception surveys for primary data collection. We offered advice in the design of the survey questionnaire.
    On behalf of: International Labour Organization (ILO), 2019
  • Mid-term evaluation: Skills Development in the Tourism and Hospitality Sector in Lao PDR
    We assessed relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the project; provided advice and basis for decision making regarding specific evaluation questions; and identified lessons learned for the design of a possible next phase. Semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions and document review were the methods we applied to respond to the evaluation questions.
    On behalf of: Luxemburg Development, 2019
  • External Evaluation of the Addis Tax Initiative (ATI)
    The Addis Tax Initiative (ATI) brings together developing and donor countries as well as civil society organisations, who seek to strengthen developing countries' domestic resource mobilization (DRM) capacities. The objective of the project is to evaluate the progress of the ATI since its foundation in 2015.
    On behalf of: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, 2019
  • External evaluation of the Support to the Judiciary project, Phase 2
    The purpose of the evaluation was assess the project's effectiveness, impact and sustainability and to provide recommendations in terms of project performance and direction. We carried out semi-structured interviews and facilitated a one-day review workshop.
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2019
  • Evaluation of the project "lmprovement of living conditions for Roma and other vulnerable groups, preventing irregular migration and fostering reintegration of returnees in Serbia"
    BSS carries out a cost benefit analysis (CBA) of the so-called "dweller driven model" as well as an assessment of the level of institutionalisation of the said model in Serbia.
    On behalf of: HEKS/EPER Swiss Church Aid, Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization (EHO), Serbia, 2019
  • Concept note for a new rural employment project in Laos
    Co-development of a concept note and the Terms of Reference for a new Swiss project, based on semi-structured interviews with stakeholders as well as the review of pertinent documents.
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2019
  • Evaluation of the Bulgaria/Romania "Roma and other disadvantaged groups thematic fund"
    Participatory end-of-phase evaluation based on OECD-DAC evaluation; document review, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions were the main sources of information.
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Division New EU Member States, 2019
  • Research for Development: Skills for Industry
    The project 'Skills for Industry' is carried out by universities in seven countries. We support its implementation through technical inputs and backstopping services.
    On behalf of: Zurich University of Teacher Education (project funding by the SNF and the SDC, as part of their Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development), 2019
  • External review of the Skills for Jobs Project, Phase 2
    The aim of the evaluation was to assess the strategic orientation and the performance of the project, as well as to provide recommendations for the design of a possible last phase. To respond to the evaluation questions we applied a multi-methods approach (document review, semi-structured interviews, online survey, two focus groups).
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2018
  • Scoping mission on environmental awareness, Sultanate of Oman
    The purpose of the scoping mission was to learn about issues and challenges regarding environmental awareness in Oman, to determine Omani authorities’ interest in and potential benefit from a consultancy, and to sketch out content, scope, feasibility of such consultancy.
    On behalf of: Swiss Embassy in the Sultanate of Oman, 2018
  • Business Environment Reform and Labour Productivity
    Analysis of labour productivity in low and middle income countries as well as its drivers. Identification of good donor practice through the assessment of selected project documents.
    On behalf of: DCED Business Environment Working Group, 2018
  • Mid-term evaluation: Austrian Development Cooperation Country Strategy Bhutan 2015-2018
    The main objective of the project is to assess the performance of the country strategy implementation and to provide evidence for informed decision making regarding a potential continuation of Austria’s development assistance to Bhutan.
    On behalf of: Austrian Development Agency ADA, 2017
  • Evaluation of the Support to the National Pensions Regulatory Authority in Ghana
    The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the project in terms of achievement of expected results; performance of project management and steering mechanisms; and fit of the project within SECO’s Ghana portfolio.
    On behalf of: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), 2017
  • Backstopping support for the design of a VET project in Croatia
    Backstopping support to the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education in the design of a VET project in Croatia and the elaboration of a Project Document (ProDoc).
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2017
  • Advisory support on the integration of work-based learning models in Albania’s VET system
    We provide technical support, advisory and backstopping services to the Skills Development for Employment Programme in its efforts to upscale work-based learning models in Albania's VET system.
    On behalf of: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2017
  • Public Finance Management (PFM) Reform Backstopping Mandate
    Three-year backstopping mandate to support the Macroeconomic Support Division of SECO in the fields of Public Finance Management (PFM) Reform, with a Focus on Budget Management and Fiscal Decentralisation.
    On behalf of: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), 2017
  • External Evaluation of the African Tax Administration Forum
    The evaluation assesses design and organisation, thematic focus and technical assistance delivery mode of the program. Furthermore, recommendations are formulated to improve the program in the next four-year implementation phase.
    On behalf of: African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF), 2016
  • Capitalisation and Strategic Outlook for Swiss engagement in the area of Social Inclusion in Albania
    Experiences, lessons learned and good practices are identified in a participatory process and entry points for future social inclusion related interventions are elaborated.
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2016
  • External Review of the Support to Improve Social Inclusion in Serbia
    The review focuses on relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the current project implementation and provides recommendations for the design of the next project phase.
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2016
  • External mid-term evaluation Bilateral Assistance and Capacity Building Program for Central Banks
    The review focused on the design and set-up of the programme and whether it was implemented successfully. We conducted interviews in Tunisia and Vietnam and online surveys in six additional countries.
    On behalf of: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), 2016
  • Planning Mission of Vocational Education and Training Project - Phase 2
    BSS advises SDC in Mongolia in the design of a youth employment promotion project. Our work consists of moderating a consultation process and of drafting a programme document.
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2015
  • External review of the Swiss Regional Police Cooperation Programme in the Western Balkans
    The review provides recommendations for the current programme phase and suggestions regarding the future orientation of the police programme beyond 2016.
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2015
  • Mid-Term Review of the SDC Programme in Bhutan
    The current development programme, which places emphasis on strengthening democratic institutions at central and local levels and on fostering civic participation, shall be reviewed in terms of its progress and its achievability.
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2015
  • Concept note for the planning of a new Swiss support programme to the constitutional reform process in Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Development of a concept note on the basis of a political economy analysis. A document review and semi-structured interviews with 40 different stakeholder groups were the most relevant methods applied for this assignment.
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2014
  • Programme Document: Skills Development and Employment
    BSS advises UNDP in Albania in the design of a vocational education / skills development programme. Our work consists of moderating a consultation process and of drafting a programme document.
    On behalf of: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2014
  • Mid-term evaluation: Vocational Education and Training in Western Mongolia Project (VET Project)
    The objectives of the evaluation are to review progress of the project, to identify intended and unintended outcomes and to formulate recommendations for the planning of the next phase.
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2014
  • Feasibility Study for a Vocational Training Program in Laos
    The feasibility study’s objective is to gather and analyze data on the TVET sector and the labour market in Laos, assess the areas for support, as well as to accelerate and prepare strategic decisions.
    On behalf of: Swisscontact, 2014
  • External Review of the Contribution to Constitutional Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina
    The main objectives of the mandate are to carry out an "appraisal of outcomes and impacts of the project since 2005" and to support SDC in "informed decision making on future opportunities for a coherent support package of the Swiss Cooperation" to BiH’s constitutional reform process. A comprehensive political economy analysis preceded the elaboration of the project concept.
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2014
  • External Review: "Support to the Judiciary in Bosnia and Herzegovina"
    Evaluation of the SDC funded project to improve efficiency and credibility of the prosecutorial system and to strengthen the "High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council" (HJPC).
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2013
  • Mid-term Evaluation: Integration of Environmental Education in Macedonian Education System
    The main objective of the review is to assess to which extent the objectives of the ongoing phase were achieved as yet. In addition, it shall shed a light on the project approach and management and assess OXO’s capacities against the intention to develop.
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2013
  • Evaluation of the Swiss Return and Reintegration Assistance
    The objectives of the evaluation are to assess the outcomes of selected instruments of voluntary return and reintegration assistance, to identify lessons learned and to propose recommendations for improving and further developing the instruments.
    On behalf of: Federal Office for Migration, 2013
  • Preparation of the final phase of the CEFA project in Albania
    BSS Economic Consultants provides support to SDC and its implementing partner in elaborating the programme document for the exit phase of a project to support inclusion of Roma in Albania. Participative planning workshops with several relevant stakeholder groups were organised and moderated.
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2013
  • PPP Program in the Water Sector in Tabora and Dodoma, Tanzania
    Realisation of two projects for a sustainable public water supply and waste water disposal in Tanzania.
    On behalf of: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), 2013
  • External Review of the Support to Improve Social Inclusion in Serbia
    The project evaluates the effects and impact of the Social Inclusion Unit in the Government of Serbia and provides recommendations for its future mandate and institutionalisation.
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2012
  • Creation of employment opportunities in water sector for young graduates, Tunisia
    Development of an implementation concept for a SDC project in Tunisia which aims to increase the labour market integration of young graduates.
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2012
  • External evaluation of the Technical Assistance for the implementation of a Medium Term Expenditure Framework in Nicaragua
    The summative and formative evaluation shall specifically identify and define recommendations and pertinent elements regarding forthcoming support in this sector in Nicaragua.
    On behalf of: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), 2011
  • External Review of the Alternated Education and Vocational Training Project - Phase VI (CEFA VI), Albania
    The purpose of the review is to assess the progress of the project and achievement of objectives and, specifically, the organisational development and performance of the implementing agency.
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2011
  • Feasibility Study of a CDM Project in the Lime Kiln Cluster of Piduguralla, India
    Assessment of an UNIDO Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project in the lime kiln industry of Piduguralla (Andhra Pradesh). Analysis of the technical, financial and organisational feasibilty of the project.
    On behalf of: United Nations Industrial Development Organization, 2011
  • External Review of the Joint Programme for Roma and Marginalised Groups Inclusion through Education
    The evaluation shall appraise to what extent the activities and interventions of the project reached the objectives, purposes and results to date and provide recommendations for the design of follow-up interventions in a forthcoming second project phase.
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2011
  • Evaluation of the ODIHR Rule of Law Program
    OECD-DAC based assessment of four projects and their contribution to achieve OSCE's human dimension commitments (policies, legislation, practices) on the rule of law.
    On behalf of: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), 2011
  • External Evaluation of the Youth Employment Project in Bosnia-Herzegovina
    The evaluation shall appraise to what extent the activities and interventions of the project reached the objectives, purposes and results to date and provide recommendations for the design of follow-up interventions in a forthcoming second project phase.
    On behalf of: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 2011
  • External evaluation of the frame program of the IHEID to support the development of sound financial systems in developing countries
    In addition to the performance evaluation, designed in compliance with OECD-DAC norms and standards, the evaluation also provided recommendations regarding the program's redesign.
    On behalf of: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), 2010
  • Emission Reductions by the Manufacturing of Benzoic Acid Derivatives (CDM Project), India
    Development of a CDM baseline and monitoring methodology for the manufacturing of benzoic acid derivates in Ankleshwar.
    On behalf of: United Nations Industrial Development Organization, 2010
  • Emission Reductions by the Recycling of Spent Sulfuric Acid, India
    Development of a CDM baseline and monitoring methodology for the spent acid recovery project in Ankleshwar.
    On behalf of: United Nations Industrial Development Organization, 2010
  • External Evaluation of Programme Activities Fostering the Geneva Initiative
    Assessment of the achievements and impact of the activities fostering the Geneva Initiative. An ex post evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of the partners' work and the relevance thereof in light of a changed political environment.
    On behalf of: Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), 2009
  • Nothern Transport Corridor Riga 2nd Sector, Latvia
    Translation of the project costs to the Latvian level and comparison of different project alternatives.
    On behalf of: Basler & Hofmann AG, 2008
  • Assessment of the financial sustainability of Posticum Association Romania's activities
    Development of a business plan for the Posticum Association Romania.
    On behalf of: Posticum Foundation Switzerland, 2008
  • Customer and Image Analysis of the Federal Accounting Agency (BHAG), Austrian Republic
    Realisation of a customer satisfaction analysis and image analysis including the essential Stakeholders of the BHAG.
    On behalf of: Federal Accounting Agency, Austria, 2008
  • CDM Project in the Glass Industry of Firozabad, India
    Development and assessment of an energy efficiency project in Firozabad.
    On behalf of: United Nations Industrial Development Organization, 2008
  • Cleaner Technology Promotion, India
    Different services for the support of the implementation of "Cleaner Production" measures in India
    In cooperation with: Basler & Hofmann AG
    On behalf of: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), 2008
  • Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Performance Assessment in Azerbaijan
    Analysis of the management of public finances in Azerbaijan on the basis of the 28 "PEFA" indicators.
    On behalf of: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), 2007
  • Environment and Community based Framework for Designing Afforestation, Reforestation and Revegetation Projects in the CDM: Methodology Development and Case Studies (Encofor)
    Development of a methodology for the design of CDM afforestation and reforestation projects and its application in pilot projects in different African and Latin-American countries.
    On behalf of: Europe Aid, 2007
  • Economic Significance of the International Organisations in Geneva
    Evaluation of the economic benefits resulting from the international organisations in the City of Geneva.
    On behalf of: Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), 2006
  • Evaluation of the coherence of the activities carried out by the SDC
    Appraisal whether the priorities and activities of the SDC are goal-compliant with regard to contents as well as horizontal an vertical coherence.
    On behalf of: Parlamental Control of Administration (PCA), 2006
  • Upgrading Healthcare Waste Management in Northern Jordan
    Appraisal of the project "Upgrading Healthcare Waste Management in Northern Jordan".
    On behalf of: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), 2006
  • Forestry Projects under the CDM Procedures, Experiences and Lessons Learned
    Experiences with forest projects under the CDM.
    On behalf of: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 2005
  • PPP Water Projects in Dodoma and Tabora Tanzania
    Preliminary study for an appraisal of two projects for a sustainable public water supply and waste water disposal in Tanzania.
    On behalf of: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), 2005
  • Impact of the sanctions on South Africa: The role of Switzerland
    Appraisal of the economic relations between Switzerland an South Africa during the time of the sanctions and the impact of the outsider role of Switzerland in the sanction policy on South Africa and Switzerland.
    On behalf of: Project of the National Research Program NRP 42+, 2004
  • Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan ENVIRONMENT Domain - Preliminary Assessment
    Mission for the identification of environmental projects in Jordan, which can be funded by the mixed credit financing line of the Seco.
    On behalf of: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), 2003
  • National Strategy Study Ukraine
    Technical and institutional possibilities to introduce joint Implementation and Emission Trading in Ukraine.
    On behalf of: World Bank, 2002
  • Financial and Environmental Effects of an Agriculture Project in Bolivia
    Estimation of the ecological and social-economical effects of an agriculture project in Bolivia.
    In cooperation with: TULUM SA
    On behalf of: TULUM SA, 2001
  • Feasibility Study for CDM Forestry Project in Bolivia
    Appraisal of the climate impact and the technical and economic feasibility of an afforestation project in Bolivia.
    In cooperation with: TULUM SA
    On behalf of: TULUM SA, 2001
  • National Strategy Study Bolivia
    Technical and institutional possibilities of the implementation of the CDM in Bolivia.
    On behalf of: World Bank, 2000
  • National Strategy Study South Africa
    Technical and institutional possibilities of the implementation of the CDM in South Africa.
    On behalf of: World Bank, 2000
  • KYMBO - Seminar in Portugal
    Seminar on the chances for the economy under the Kyoto mechanisms.
    On behalf of: University of St.Gallen, 2000
  • National Strategy Study Colombia
    Technical and institutional possibilities of the implementation of the CDM in Colombia.
    On behalf of: World Bank, 2000
  • National Strategy Study Zimbabwe
    Technical and institutional possibilities of the implementation of the CDM in Zimbabwe.
    On behalf of: World Bank, 1998

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