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Reference list

Here you can find some examples of our international projects.

For a complete list of references, please visit the website in German.

  • Angebot: Erhebungen und Befragungen, Literaturanalysen
  • Angebot2: -
  • Angebot3: -
  • Projekte: Umwelt

The United Nations Development Programme in Albania commissioned BSS to provide advisory support for its Skills Development for Employment (SD4E) Programme, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Coordination.

  • Clients: United Nations Development Programme (UNDC) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
  • Methods: Semi-structured interviews, workshop facilitation, literature review
  • Time period: December 2014 to November 2018
  • Services and products: Scoping mission, planning workshop, logical framework, programme document

BSS Economic Consultants advised the United Nations Development Programme UNDP in Albania in the design of a skills development programme with a focus on youth employment in the rural area. The programme, which was carried out over a four year period, aimed at integrating elements of the “dual approach” into Albania’s skills development system, at improving labour market information, diversifying active labour market measures and setting up an accreditation system.


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